
NZ Super Leads The Antipodean Funds With Bumper Return

14th September, 2021

New Zealand’s US$42 billion NZ Super has notched up its best ever return of 29.6%, beating its benchmark by 1.7% and surpassing the performance of Australia’s public pension fund AustralianSuper (20.4% on the balanced fund) and its sovereign wealth fund the Future Fund (22.2%).

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Ireland’s ISIF Uses Investment Gains for US$1.2 billion Green Investment Strategy

9th September, 2021

The Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF), the country’s EUR14.3 billion (US$16.9 billion) sovereign wealth fund, has reported a solid 5.2% return for H121 bringing its total gains since the beginning of 2020 to EUR1 billion (US$1.2 billion).

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ADIA Secures 20.9% Annual Return as it Shifts Towards Private Markets

8th September, 2021

Abu Dhabi’s largest sovereign wealth fund, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), has out-performed its global peers, notching up a 20.9% annual return at end-2020 led by robust performance in capital markets, according to Global SWF estimates based on figures in its annual report published today.

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Despite Robust Performance, NPS's Alternatives Targets Won't Be Easy

6th September, 2021

Korea’s National Pension Service is smashing benchmarks with solid returns, but is set to face a challenge in its efforts to hike allocations to alternatives from 10% to 15% by 2025.

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Alternatives Boosted in CIC’s Global Investments with Stress on Partnerships

30th August, 2021

The China Investment Corporation (CIC) has followed the trends of other sovereign wealth funds, reporting double-digit growth for 2020, but underneath the headline figures there are signs of ongoing changes in strategy and organization.

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A Leap Into The Future for Australian SWF

26th August, 2021

Australia’s Future Fund posted its best result in its history for the financial year to end-June with an annual return of 22.2%, up from -0.9% in FY2019/20, which put its total assets under management at A$196.8 billion (US$147.6 billion).

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Real Assets Boost CDPQ's H1 Return to 5.6% As It Pivots To New Economy

19th August, 2021

The Canadian public pension fund Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) reported a mid-year return of 5.6% for end-June, outperforming its benchmark return of 4.4% due to robust performance in real assets and bringing net assets to C$390 billion (US$304 billion).

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Changes at the Top of Canada’s Biggest Public Pension Fund

11th August, 2021

Fresh blood and promotions are leading to changes at the top team of Canada’s biggest public pension fund, the US$394 billion CPP Investments, which is promoting global talent at board and management levels.

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Alaska PFC returns c.30% in FY21, private markets to reach 40%

9th August, 2021

Last week, United States’ largest Sovereign Wealth Fund, the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) released its results for the year ending on June 30, 2021 (FY21) and gave a clue on its strategy to FY25.

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Sovereign Funds report record performances, AuM nears $30tn

27th July, 2021

Last Friday, GIC reported its best results in a long time, with rolling returns improving significantly and implying an annual yield for FY21 of 37.5%. Yesterday it was BCI who reported a 16.5% (FY ending on March 31) and CalSTRS who announced a record of 27.2% (FY ending on June 30).

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GIC breaks all records in its 40th birthday

25th July, 2021

The Singaporean Sovereign Wealth Fund just released its latest results coinciding with the 40th anniversary since its establishment in May 1981 and has reasons to be very proud.

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CalPERS Return Narrowly Misses Benchmark, Fails to Fill CIO and Faces LT Funding Concerns

16th July, 2021

The US$473 billion pension fund CalPERS earned a net return of 21.3% in the latest fiscal year ending June 30, narrowly missing its benchmark return by 40 basis points.

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