
APG Backs World's Biggest Green Bond Issue

13th October, 2021

Dutch public pension fund manager APG has thrown its weight behind the EU’s first green bond issue, purchasing EUR195 million of the debut issue.

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New Funds Sign Up to OPSWF, But Does it Make a Difference to Climate Change?

6th October, 2021

Concern over climate change continues to prompt state-owned investors to declare their commitment to fighting greenhouse gas emissions with One Planet Sovereign Wealth Funds (OPSWF) signing up four new SWF members this week. Yet, the lack of standardization of greenhouse gas auditing and reviews of progress towards targets makes judging OPSWF's real world impact difficult to measure.

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CDPQ and OTPP Continue Canadian Green Push

29th September, 2021

Canadian public pension funds have been among the leaders in seeking to decarbonize their portfolio and Canada’s second biggest fund - Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec (CDPQ) - is taking it a step further by pledging to divest C$3.9 billion (US$3.1 billion) of oil assets by end-2022.

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Saudi Alchemy: From Black Gold to Green Investments

24th August, 2021

Saudi Arabia is determined to leverage its oil wealth to finance its transition to sustainable energy with its Public Investment Fund backing investment in solar energy.

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APG, CalSTRS and ADIA Accelerate the US Renewables Bandwagon

20th August, 2021

The formation of a US clean energy firm Arevon Energy by APG, CalSTRS and ADIA this week comes hot on the heels of US Senate approval of a US$1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that underscores the Biden administration’s renewable energy agenda.

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World’s Biggest SWF Seeks To Shore Up Its Climate Credentials, But Could Do More

12th August, 2021

Climate risk is a top priority for Norges Bank (NBIM), the manager of the world’s biggest sovereign wealth fund, the US$1.38 trillion Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG). While NBIM has made significant efforts to slash its carbon footprint, it still has a further journey to make even to match some of its peers – and the slow pace of transition is denying GPFG potential growth.

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Cleaning Up the World: Mubadala and Temasek Support Transition Over Exclusion

4th August, 2021

With the drive towards net zero, the logical way asset owners can reduce the carbon intensity of their portfolios is to simply cut out exposure to fossil fuels. It is an easy and quick way to prove sustainability, but selling assets to third parties simply reduces the asset owner’s carbon emissions with little impact on climate change.

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OMERS Joins SOIs in Backing Indian Renewables, But is India Lagging?

2nd August, 2021

The infrastructure arm of Ontario’s public employees pension fund OMERS has taken a chunk of Indian renewables producer Azure Power, which is majority owned by Québec’s CDPQ. Yet, Global SWF research finds that state-owned investors are increasingly reticent about risks in the Indian renewables market, while at the same time they are being lured to developed markets where opportunities are opening up in energy transition.

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Governance and Resilience remain key issues for African SWFs

29th July, 2021

The African continent is vast in size, diversity and wealth - and its SWFs need specific guidance on governance and resilience. Today, its wealth of US$ 97.9 billion is managed by 30 SWFs or sub-funds: 9 stabilization, 9 savings and 12 strategic funds. This capital is unevenly distributed, with significant differences between the North and the South of the Sahara desert.

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State Investors Back US$7bn Brookfield Global Transition Fund

27th July, 2021

Four leading state-owned investors have thrown their weight behind the Brookfield Global Transition Fund to invest in clean energy and bolster the Paris climate commitment of net zero by 2050.

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2021 GSR Scoreboard

1st July, 2021

We are pleased to present the results of the 2021 edition of our GSR Scoreboard, which has become a critical tool of analysis of Sovereign Investors’ Governance, Sustainability and Resilience efforts.

ABP's Failure to Switch from Fossil Fuels to Green Investments has Hit Returns

25th June, 2021

Dutch fund manager APG, which oversees the US$606 billion ABP civil service pension fund, has paid a heavy opportunity cost by maintaining exposures to fossil fuels instead diverting capital into green energy, according to research by Global SWF commissioned by Dutch environmental campaign group Fossielvrij.

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