
Canadian Public Pension Funds Sparked by Australian Infrastructure Deal

26th November, 2021

The approval of the A$5.2 billion (US$3.7 billion) takeover of Spark Infrastructure by a consortium of private equity giant Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) and PSP Investments marks the latest acquisition involving Canadian public pension funds, who have emerged as the leading foreign investors in Australian infrastructure.

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Sovereign Investors Lead the Charge in Australian Infra and Real Estate Boom

20th October, 2021

Sovereign investment in Australian real assets is soaring to new heights with US$9 billion spent on real estate and more than US$6 billion deployed into infrastructure – and this month is seeing the pace of investment continue.

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Australia's New Merged Super Fund Looks to a New Era

28th September, 2021

The merger of Australia’s QSuper and Sunsuper creates the country’s second biggest public pension fund with AUM of US$152 billion and two million members, sending the combined entity up the global league table to 22nd place, between Denmark’s ATP and behind Canada’s BCI and PSP Investments.

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What do Québec and New South Wales have in common?

20th September, 2021

Earlier today, Transurban announced that it would acquire the remaining 49% in WestConnex along with a group of State-Owned Investors including AustralianSuper, ADIA, CPP and CDPQ. The NSW Government expects to receive US$ 8 billion for the privatization, which will use to keep fueling NGF’s growth. So, in a way, NSW keeps benefitting from its relationship with Québec’s government, QGF and, ultimately, CDPQ.

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NZ Super Leads The Antipodean Funds With Bumper Return

14th September, 2021

New Zealand’s US$42 billion NZ Super has notched up its best ever return of 29.6%, beating its benchmark by 1.7% and surpassing the performance of Australia’s public pension fund AustralianSuper (20.4% on the balanced fund) and its sovereign wealth fund the Future Fund (22.2%).

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Unfazed Sovereign Investors Pour US$9.6 billion into Australian Real Assets

13th September, 2021

State-owned investors are taking very different approaches to Australian real assets impacted by the pandemic, although long-term strategic factors rather than short-term tactical moves are driving current divestment and acquisition activity.

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A Leap Into The Future for Australian SWF

26th August, 2021

Australia’s Future Fund posted its best result in its history for the financial year to end-June with an annual return of 22.2%, up from -0.9% in FY2019/20, which put its total assets under management at A$196.8 billion (US$147.6 billion).

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Australian Electricity Sparks Canadian Fund Excitement

10th August, 2021

Australian infrastructure is proving to be a big draw for state-owned investors (SOIs) with foreign sovereign funds set to eclipse domestic SOIs as assets are auctioned off. Canadian public pension funds (PPFs) are leading the charge in the electricity utility space, having also boosted their exposure to the country’s real estate sector.

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AustralianSuper Joins the Private Credit Surge, Tripling its Portfolio by 2026

9th August, 2021

AustralianSuper is joining the surge in global private credit and tripling its exposure to the sector, which is seeing funds ramp up lending in direct competition with the banking industry.

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Logistics Drives State-Owned Investor Hunger for Australian Real Estate

5th July, 2021

Australian real estate is proving to be a big draw for state-owned investors with the latest transaction involving an Australian-Canadian partnership buying up Moorebank Logistics Park (MLP) in southwest Sydney for A$1.67 billion.

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GSR Scoreboard 2021 Leader: Future Fund

1st July, 2021

For second year in a row, the Future Fund is the only State-Owned Investor to achieve a perfect score (25 of 25 elements) in our GSR Scoreboard. The Australian investor has performed well in both rising and falling markets for the past 15 years, while pursuing excellence in transparency, responsible investing, and resilience.

CPP and AIMCo Back North America 5G Drive with US$2 Billion Investment

28th June, 2021

Two Canadian public pension funds, CPP Investments and AIMCo, have committed nearly US$2 billion of capital to an Australia-based wireless and broadcast networks provider, BAI Communications, which they have co-owned since 2009.

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