
London is the Top Destination for State-Owned Investors

26th September, 2023

Australia’s US$106 billion Aware Super fund has started recruiting for its planned new London office, hot on the heels of Canada’s Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan’s (HOOPP) announcement that it is opening an office in the British capital as part of its plan to diversify its geographical exposure and expand its holdings in alternatives.

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New SWFs Learn to Crawl, At Difference Speeds

20th September, 2023

Global SWF examines the recent developments relating to new sovereign wealth funds in Hong Kong, Israel, Pakistan and the Philippines.

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Mozambique Seeks to Relaunch Plan for Multi-Billion Gas-Backed Sovereign Fund

31st July, 2023

Mozambique is set to relaunch its plans for a sovereign wealth fund funded by LNG exports, which stalled in recent years amid instability in the country’s gas-rich north.

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Pakistan Seeks to Solve Fiscal Crisis with a New SWF

25th July, 2023

Pakistan is planning to join the growing list of emerging markets developing new strategic sovereign wealth funds with at least seven state assets worth at least PKR2.3 trillion (US$8 billion) set to be transferred to the new organization.

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Kuwait Plans New SWF to Boost Economic Diversification Amid Political Turbulence

17th July, 2023

Kuwait announced it is launching a new sovereign wealth fund with a strategic domestic economic development mandate, just days after the Minister of Finance quit his post after control of the country’s existing SWF – the US$801 billion Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA) – was transferred to another ministry.

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Hong Kong Prepares to Appoint CEO of Its New SWF

13th June, 2023

Today marks the closing date for applications for the position of CEO of Hong Kong’s new sovereign wealth fund, the Hong Kong Investment Corporation (HKIC), which consolidates various investment vehicles established by the special administration region’s central bank, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA).

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Governments Set to Chart Choppy Economic Waters with New SWFs

2nd June, 2023

Recent weeks saw a surge of proposals for new sovereign wealth funds – some in countries that already host established SWFs – as governments look to strategic development and fiscal stabilization in a turbulent and uncertain era.

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Fast-Tracked Philippines Sovereign Wealth Fund Faces Opposition

26th May, 2023

The fast-tracking of a controversial measure for the creation of a Philippine sovereign wealth fund faces stiff opposition from critics who questioned where the fund’s seed capital will come from. 

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Jury is Still Out on UK Future Fund Success, While a British SWF Remains Elusive

18th May, 2023

Britain’s “Future Fund”, overseen by the state-owned British Business Bank (BBB), is completing its third year of operations this week having delivered GBP1.14 billion of investment in startups during the pandemic – yet performance is mixed, criticism is fierce, and the possibility of a fully-fledged UK sovereign wealth fund remains dim.

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Taiwan’s Central Bank Resists Forex-Funded SWF

12th May, 2023

Governments favor sovereign wealth funds as vehicles that can put cash to good use, whether for fiscal stabilization, inter-generational savings and strategic economic development – but Taiwan’s central bank has lodged its objection to Taipei’s plans for a fund that could utilize foreign exchange reserves.

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Global SWF participates in the launch of Kosovo SWF

8th May, 2023

Last Sunday, May 7, the Republic of Kosovo officially established its very own Sovereign Wealth Fund. The launch ceremony took place in Pristina with Prime Minister Albin Kurti acting as keynote speaker, and Germany’s independent foundation Friedrich Ebert Stifung (FES) acting as co-host of the event.

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Israel’s New SWF Struggles to Meet AUM Target, But Reports Strong Yield

5th April, 2023

Seven months after it was launched, the Israel Citizens' Fund (ICF) accumulated just US$617 million by end-2022, according to the Ministry of Finance.

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