
What would you do with 1.3 trillion dollars?

26th February, 2021

NBIM released its 2020 annual reports today, attracting a lot of attention from the citizenry and commentators from around the world.

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Are Sovereign Investors Returning to the London Office Real Estate Market?

24th February, 2021

The City of London Corporation’s approval of a 38-storey development at 2 Finsbury Avenue, planned by Singaporean sovereign wealth fund GIC and British Land, suggests SOI interest in the London real estate market could be reviving.

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Chinese Funds Spring Into Life with Bids for Saudi Pipelines

23rd February, 2021

The China Investment Corporation (CIC) and the Silk Road Fund are among a range of investors bidding for a US$10 billion stake in Saudi Aramco’s oil pipelines.

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PIF Subsidiary Drives Saudi Military Development

22nd February, 2021

With the US's Biden administration imposing an arms trade ban on Saudi Arabia over its intervention in Yemen, the defence industry arm of the Kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund PIF is pushing ahead with military product development and weapon system projects.

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AP4 Sets Ambitious Climate Targets as Public Pension Funds Push Environment Agenda

19th February, 2021

Sweden’s AP4 is aiming to halve the carbon footprint of its investments by 2030 with a goal of net zero by 2040 at the latest, it announced today.

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PIF's US Public Equity Holdings Reach All-Time Highs, But Missed Out on Tesla's Rise

17th February, 2021

Investment in US equities by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) hit an all-time high of US$12.78 billion by end-2020, according to its latest stock exchange filings.

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ADQ Pushes Further into EM Venture Capital, Diversifying from Core Infra

16th February, 2021

ADQ is a state-owned investor that is set to become a name on everyone’s lips as it begins its push into venture capital and evolves from a holding company dominated by infrastructure assets to a sovereign wealth fund in its own right.

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Mubadala Limbers up to Score a Deal with Italian Football Club

15th February, 2021

The future of Italian football club Inter Milan could be soon be determined by Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund Mubadala, which is touted by La Repubblica as a front runner for a stake in the Serie A side.

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Indian Infra Fund Boosted by New Development Bank

11th February, 2021

India’s National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) is close to achieving its US$1 billion target for its Fund of Funds following a US$100 million investment by the BRICS-backed multilateral development bank, New Development Bank (NDB).

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APG and CDPQ Join Forces in US$1bn Australian RE Fund

10th February, 2021

Dutch public pension fund manager and Ivanhoé Cambridge, the real estate arm of Canada’s CDPQ, have backed Australia’s biggest ever build-to-rent real estate fund.

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PIF Invests in Sharia Credit, Signalling a Renewed Thrust into Private Credit

9th February, 2021

Saudi Arabia’s US$400 billion Public Investment Fund became the latest sovereign investor to enter the growing market for direct lending by becoming an anchor investor in a shariah credit fund. It could signal the beginning of a strong thrust into private credit in an effort to stimulate broader lending availability in Saudi Arabia and beyond.

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Self-Driving Start-Ups on the Highway to Growth, Fuelled by Sovereign Investor Capital

8th February, 2021

Self-driving car startups are turning to state-owned investors for capital as they drive past unicorn as the pandemic accelerates the adoption of autonomous transportation technologies. Altogether, state-owned investors have deployed more than US$3.5 billion of capital into autonomous transportation solutions, from robotaxis to food delivery.

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