
Signs Of Robust 2023 Returns For Sovereign Investors, But 2024 Will Be A Rocky Ride

18th January, 2024

Little over two weeks since the end of 2023 and the first annual returns results are trickling in from state-owned investors, with signs that it was a better year for the sector – however, geopolitical instability is expected to generate market turmoil that could reverse gains in 2024, particularly for highly liquid funds.

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UNCTAD releases Sustainability Integration Framework among SWFs in Abu Dhabi

18th October, 2023

On Wednesday, the Geneva-based United Nations Conference on Trade And Development (UNCTAD) presented a report titled “A Sustainability Integration Framework for Institutional Investors”, which it drafted with the assistance of Global SWF during 2022 and 2023.

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The Elephant in the Room - are Sovereign Investors beating the markets?

2nd May, 2022

Comparing returns across State-Owned Investors is never easy and it always takes a lot of assumptions and disclaimers. Yet, most funds have now reported their FY21 results, and we have looked at the average investment returns for the past six years (which we consider a fair investment cycle) across 20 major SWFs and 20 major PPFs in an apples-to-apples analysis.

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Azerbaijan's SWF Boosted by Pivot to US Equities

19th January, 2022

The surge in oil prices coupled with a bull market in US public equities helped deliver Azerbaijan’s sovereign wealth fund a robust return and a boost to total assets under management in 2021, said Global SWF using the latest data from the State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ).

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Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan strengthen collaboration and alignment

22nd October, 2021

The Republics of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan have much more in common than the Caspian Sea and the independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Both nations have a history of an active State Investment landscape, with various vehicles looking after different missions.

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