1st February, 2025
European SWFs can be multi-tasked with supporting the expansion of national companies, promoting the economic development of the country, and catalizing foreign investment. Italy’s CDP Equity was a pioneer among them all, and keeps evolving to adapt to today’s environment. We were delighted to speak with its CEO, Mr. Francesco Mele, about CDP Equity’s background, portfolio, and future goals.
2nd June, 2023
Recent weeks saw a surge of proposals for new sovereign wealth funds – some in countries that already host established SWFs – as governments look to strategic development and fiscal stabilization in a turbulent and uncertain era.
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22nd April, 2021
The White House’s pledge, on Earth Day, to slash carbon emissions by at least 50% is an ambition that will attract a slew of capital from the world’s State-Owned Investors, stimulating global investment in low-carbon energy generation. Global SWF looks at the latest developments in SOI policy and investment.
Subscriber Post
12th March, 2021
Italian sovereign wealth fund Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Equity (CDP Equity) has forged a deal with Italy-based oil producer Eni to establish 1GW of solar and wind generating capacity.
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