10th December, 2024
Guinea is the latest SSA state to announce a planned new SWF, although details on the timeframe, governance and size of the fund are hazy - even though it could yield billions from the exploitation of the country's massive, high quality iron ore reserves.
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4th December, 2024
The smallest nation state in mainland Africa, Djibouti is using the power of state capital and leveraging its geopolitically strategic location to punch above its weight, in an attempt to position itself as the Singapore of the Horn of Africa.
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1st December, 2024
The investment landscape of Zambia is quite diverse, with several pension schemes, and there are plans to establish a SWF. NAPSA is the largest pension scheme and is a mandatory scheme covering both the public and private sector, except security personnel. We were delighted to speak with the fund’s Director General, Mr. Muyangwa Muyangwa, about NAPSA’s background, portfolio, and future plans.
3rd October, 2024
Facing revenue and spending pressures, two southern African countries – Zambia and Botswana – are examining proposals for sovereign wealth funds with a stabilization mandate, but given their structural challenges and spending pressures the plans maybe too little, too late.
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4th September, 2024
Angola’s sovereign wealth fund, Fundo Soberano de Angola (FSDEA), is becoming steadily more active as it continues to find its feet as it recovers its reputation from the corruption scandal revealed in 2018 in the so-called Panama Papers.
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8th August, 2024
Libya’s sovereign wealth fund was one of the victims of the collapse of order in the North African state, restricted by sanctions and legal disputes since the fall of Muammar Qaddafi’s regime amid the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings and the resulting civil war.
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8th July, 2024
Governance issues are an enduring concern for nascent African sovereign wealth funds and while Mozambique is looking for best practice in establishing a commodity-backed SWF, neighboring Zimbabwe is accused by anti-corruption watchdogs of failing to meet adequate standards in the operations of the Mutapa Investment Fund.
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7th March, 2024
Sub-Saharan Africa is the final frontier for state-owned investors (SOIs), offering potential large rewards – but also significant challenges. For patient investors capable of honing in on good deals, the region offers significant long-term returns that could generate big yields, as well as demonstrating their commitment to sustainable development goals.
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13th February, 2024
The Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) is flexing its financial muscles as it edged out of a UN sanctions regime with news that it is preparing a hostile takeover of South Africa’s Legacy Hotels via its Libyan African Investment Company (LAICO) subsidiary’s Ensemble Hotel brand.
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3rd October, 2023
Renamed the Mutapa Investment Fund after the vast kingdom that covered modern Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe’s sovereign wealth fund is expanding rapidly raising concerns that President Emmerson Mnangagwa is building an empire beyond the remit of the constitution.
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1st August, 2023
Among the newest sovereign wealth funds in Africa, the Fonds Souverain de Djibouti (FSD) can be considered a hidden gem. The fund was established in 2020 to help improve governance and catalyze investments in strategic sectors to build long-term wealth for future generations. We had the great pleasure of speaking with its CEO, Mr. Slim Feriani, about the fund’s history, current status and developments, and future plans.
31st July, 2023
Mozambique is set to relaunch its plans for a sovereign wealth fund funded by LNG exports, which stalled in recent years amid instability in the country’s gas-rich north.
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