
State Investors Surge into Renewables in June - A Record Year for Green Investments?

26th June, 2024

The pace of investment in renewables by state-owned investors could breaking records this year as new opportunities arise at different stages of project delivery and Europe in particular shifts towards improved energy security.

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NBIM Shareholder Activism: Standing up to Musk, but ESG is not so simple

10th June, 2024

Norway’s Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), which oversees the US$1.6 trillion Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), has announced it will vote against Elon Musk’s proposed US$56 billion compensation package at Tesla, potentially influencing other investors against the record remuneration.

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British General Election Sees Parties Set Out Sovereign Wealth Fund Plans

6th June, 2024

Most political parties competing in the UK general election have pledged some form of sovereign wealth fund if they win power on June 4th, but like all manifesto commitments they are light on detail.

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Bahrain and Qatar SWFs Foster Closer China Links as Gulf Replaces Western Capital

5th June, 2024

*Bahrain’s sovereign wealth fund Mumtalakat may be a minnow compared to its Saudi, Emirati and Qatari peers, but is swimming towards stronger currents of capital with an agreement forged with the China Investment Corporation (CIC).

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NBIM receives the “Fund of the Year” award from Global SWF

24th May, 2024

On May 22, 2024, Pedro Furtado Reis and Daniel Balthasar, co-Chief Investment Officers of Equities at Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), received from Diego López, Founder and Managing Director of Global SWF, the physical award “Fund of the Year 2023” in Central London.

State-Owned Investors and the Problem with Emerging Asian Renewables

9th May, 2024

Canadian pension fund CDPQ has a voracious appetite for renewables investments, but like other state-owned investors it is coming up against the limits of suitable opportunities that meet its expectations.

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NBIM Bolsters Iberdrola JV in Renewables and Returns to British Retail Real Estate

26th April, 2024

The Norwegian government’s decision to turn down sovereign wealth fund manager NBIM’s request to diversify into private equity has been followed by a step-up in investments in real estate and renewables.

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Norway Dismisses NBIM's Private Equity Proposal... For Now

15th April, 2024

The Norwegian parliament has dismissed a central bank recommendation that the 3-5% of the US$1.6 trillion Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) – overseen by Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) – be invested in private equity... but has not ruled out the proposal forever.

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Global SWF “Fund of the Year” NBIM Scores Biggest Ever Return

30th January, 2024

Norway’s Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) has notched up its biggest ever return following a surge in it equity investments, offset only marginally by a negative return in real estate.

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APG is the Latest to Leave Beijing

23rd January, 2024

The Netherlands’ civil service pension fund manager APG has shut down its Beijing office due to a lack of interest among its clients, following the decision four months ago by the world’s biggest sovereign wealth fund, Norges Bank (NBIM) to end operations in Shanghai.

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NBIM Makes Fourth Renewables Buy, Turning to Spain Again

17th January, 2024

Norway’s US$1.5 trillion sovereign wealth fund is adding  fourth asset to its unlisted renewable energy portfolio with the acquisition of a 49% stake in onshore solar and wind farms in Spain and Portugal for EUR307 million (US$334 million).

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Fund of the Year (Jan'24): Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM)

1st January, 2024

For its 25+ years of global investing and stewardship, for its position as one of the world’s largest and most influential universal asset owners, for its significant activity across asset classes and industries in 2023, and, more broadly, for its leadership among Sovereign Wealth Funds and contribution to the advancement of the industry, Global SWF believes that Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), on behalf of the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), is a worthy recipient of the 2023 Fund of the Year award. We were delighted to present it to Daniel Balthasar and Pedro Furtado Reis, the Co-CIOs of the US$ 1 trillion listed equities portfolio, and to speak with them about the fund’s recent evolution and ambitions.