The Natural Resource Fund (NRF) was born in 2019 to manage the country’s petroleum revenues. Guyana is one of the few countries in the world to have created legislation to establish an SWF in the context of managing expected revenue windfall ahead of its first oil extraction. The NRF was designed with the Santiago Principles in mind, in order to ensure that it is managed in accordance with the principles of transparency, good governance and international best practices.
Established 2019
Assets under Management (AuM):
Alternative Assets: 0%
“To manage the natural resource wealth of Guyana for the present and future benefit of the people and for the sustainable development of the country” (Savings Fund)
GSR Scoreboard
GSR'24: 40% (9/10 Governance, 0/10 Sustainability, 1/5 Resilience), same as in 2023
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