The National Trust Fund of Malaysia, or Kumpulan Wang Amanah Negara (KWAN), was set up to support infrastructure and other development and provide federal loans to Malaysia's states. Its contributions are from state energy company Petronas and others involved in petroleum exploitation. KWAN was established under The National Trust Fund Act 1988 and is currently managed by Bank Negara Malaysia. Its total assets were $3.58 billion after purchasing COVID vaccines in 2021.
Established 1988
Assets under Management (AuM):
Alternative Assets: 0%
“To ensure that the country's revenue continues to be at a high level when the country's income from declining natural resources has declined.” (Stabilization Fund)
GSR Scoreboard
GSR'24: 12% (3/10 Governance, 0/10 Sustainability, 0/5 Resilience), same as in 2023
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