BPJS Kesehatan (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan, Health Social Security Agency) is a social security agency of Indonesia aimed at providing universal health care to its citizens and foreign residents with more than six months in the country. Covering around 250 million people, it is the world's most extensive insurance system. It managed about US$ 49 billion in assets in 2021.
Established 1977
Assets under Management (AuM):
Alternative Assets: 5%
“To be a national pride social security organization, trusted, well governed, and excel in operational and services.” (Public Pension Fund)
GSR Scoreboard
GSR'24: 56% (6/10 Governance, 6/10 Sustainability, 2/5 Resilience), up from 28% in 2023
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