
Hungry for Deals, Mubadala Finds New Dynamism with Record Income

6th May, 2021

Abu Dhabi's Mubadala Investment Co. (MIC) saw its AuM jump 4.7% to US$243 billion in 2020 in an extraordinary year that provided opportunities for deals in sectors that are set to dominate the post-pandemic recovery. The sovereign wealth fund also reported a robust five-year portfolio return of 9.8%, although it did not report an annual return that may have made a less impressive headline.

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CDPQ Backs eStruxture's Digital Economy Infrastructure Development

5th May, 2021

Data centers and cloud computing are the infrastructure of the tech revolution. Like conventional transportation infrastructure, the segment provides long-term income generation, yet exposure to tech ensures long-term growth in scale.

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UK's Climate Ambitions Set to Pique SOI Interest in Renewables and Hydrogen Economy

29th April, 2021

The British government’s bid to “build back better” from the economic crisis sparked by the pandemic has prompted it to adopt ambitious targets for carbon reduction that will entice SOIs to participate in an expected surge of renewables projects.

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State-Owned Investors Face Growing Political Risk in Brazil

27th April, 2021

State-Owned Investors are being challenged over their role in buying up assets sold off by Brazil’s Bolsonaro administration amid mounting social and governance concerns and political polarization.

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Mubadala Plans Investment in Strategic Israeli Gas Field Following Peace Deal

26th April, 2021

The Abraham Accords Peace Agreement, brokered by President Trump in September 2020, is opening new avenues for Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund Mubadala to invest in Israel.

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Earth Day Focus on State-Owned Investors

22nd April, 2021

The White House’s pledge, on Earth Day, to slash carbon emissions by at least 50% is an ambition that will attract a slew of capital from the world’s State-Owned Investors, stimulating global investment in low-carbon energy generation. Global SWF looks at the latest developments in SOI policy and investment.

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Temasek Gives Hydrogen Energy a Lift in a Bid for Green Growth

20th April, 2021

Temasek is looking to play a central role in the development of hydrogen as the world’s next big "clean" energy source.

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Mubadala is Set to Accelerate its VC Drive and Sell Down Chunky Legacy Assets

19th April, 2021

Mubadala is set to sell down in “legacy commodity sectors” and deploy capital into disruptive industries in technology and healthcare, group chief executive Khaldoon Al Mubarak said at the weekend.  

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Mubadala Becomes the Latest to Forge an Asian Logistics Real Estate Deal with Logos

14th April, 2021

Mubadala has made its first entry into the Australian logistics real estate market with a joint venture with Logos and KKR.

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Mubadala Plans IPO for Microchip Producer as it Seeks Liquidity for Venture Capital

9th April, 2021

Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund Mubadala is continuing to explore avenues for liquidity with preparations for an IPO in its semiconductor business GlobalFoundries.

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NBIM Starts off its Massive Renewables Push with Dutch Offshore Windfarm

7th April, 2021

NBIM’s acquisition of a 50% stake in the Borssele 1 and 2 wind farm off the Netherlands for US$1.63 billion is the firing shot for the Norwegian sovereign fund Goliath's plans to devote 2% of its AUM to renewable energy

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Investor Excitement Swirls Around Swiggy in India Tech VC Rush

6th April, 2021

India’s online food retail space is getting hotter and state-owned investors a keen to be immersed in the fray.

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